Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Short on X-mas
I certainly had a wonderful christmas and it seems there's a wonderful new years eve comeing up. Whoever said christmas was a humbug? :D
Sunday, December 28, 2008
La creazione di Adamo
Here I've presented two Michelangelos and one parasol. It's been a vaguely dramatic day today and I guess I turned a bit mushy.

the photos, i took in Italy: David, Michelangelo, Florence (I love this photo, if I may say so myself, for it's contrasts, it's vulnerability. Plus it brings back memories)
and Parasol, made in china, Florence.
Song of the day: Barnaby, Put on your sunday clothes
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The collector
Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm finally freeeeeeeeeee! "School's out for winter.... Schools out for good" (to be sung). A few days before school finished there was an earthquake here. In Sweden, where we've been taught that earhquakes here are an impossibity! Later that week, after I'd sung at she school-finishing hoopla and our principle'd talked about scents for half an hour we got our grades (Vicki, JH and I got 100% MVG:s (A:s), not to brag or anything...). We celebrated at my house the rest of the evening, just having a good time. As usual I haven't really understod that we're on holiday wet. But it will come :). Above, a blast from the past with Drutten och Gena, my father's favorive TV-show as a child. (We watched it at school)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tje! (palla)
Tomorrow I have to get upp att 4:20 am to sing in a horrible Lucia concert! After that I have a huge midterm mathtest, which I won't have time to practice for because I'm going to see M's pianoconcert (which I really want to see). And my mathteacher thought I was badmouthing him yesterday when I wasn't! Plus this morning our french teacher made us wach a supremley horrible film that's had my gut churning the whole day. AAAAnd I still don't have a camera. So If it weren't for my dear friend right now I would probably be going even more bazonkas than I already am. So, well, thanks.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Todayhas been quite an eventless day, for a change. I'm just a little more focused and a little more confused. I just came home from babysitting L and I took this awesom picture with my phone, but I can't display it so I'm going completley bazonkas here.
Yesterday we visited monte: Leo, Josey, Mia, Steph and I. There is really a bit too much to say about something so little. So I'll wait and put it in words on my upcomeing blogg. I've decided to start a second blog. A more personal, or private blog if you please. I thought I would try it out as a place for poems, songs and other mushy stuff of that sort. That way this blog can serve solely as a journal.
Person of the day: Linnea the little warrior <3
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Oh my, I can't believe it's really sunday again. I'm really starting to feel old. But to cut to the chase about Kenya: Yes I've seriously been checking it out. It seams perfect for me. The only thing that was keeping me from studying abroad earlier was the fact that one has to retake the course once one's back in Sweden. Well, in Nairobi I'd get everything I want and I wouldn't be wasting time. It seems totally fantastic. But noone has to shed a tear over me leaving yet. It's just a dream, one which is extremley difficult to finance at that. But seriousley, what are we without our dreams? (Do you remember our friend on the picture?)
Thought of the day: Missing my CAMERA!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm Back! Yesterday was such a wonderful day. We were off school (studyday) and it was only dad and me who were home. I got up at around 10, took Bz for a long walk and after that, came home and had mammas cereal while waching a film. Does a schoolday become better than that? I mean, seriously?
Today it's snowing again and I'll soon be on my way to choir. My feet were totlay frozen and are finally starting to thaw, so I'm a little reluctant to go outside again. But it's been a good day so far :). Today we also went bowling for gym since the gymhall was occupied. I totaly suck at bowling, but it was great fun.
Song of the day: Under the bridge with Red hot chilipeppers
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